Celene Humphries and Steve Brannock Reprise Key Roles at Appellate Certification Review Course
Updating the presentations they gave last year at the program for lawyers preparing to take the appellate board certification exam, Brannock Humphries & Berman managing shareholders Steve Brannock and Celene Humphries spoke at the board certification “boot camp” event presented by the Florida Bar’s Appellate Practice Section.
Celene is the longtime chair of the review course that is designed to assist attorneys preparing to become board certified in appellate practice. The full course is offered biannually, with a “boot camp” version in the off-years to provide updates on rule changes and recent developments in the appellate world, including new cases.
Celene spearheaded this year’s “boot camp,” which in addition to highlighting updates also focused on longstanding principles often misunderstood or missed by appellate practitioners. She also presented a segment dedicated to extraordinary writs. For his part, Steve’s presentation covered all aspects of civil appeals, from jurisdiction to procedure to standards of review and preservation of error.
The board certification review is one of the Appellate Practice Section’s signature continuing legal education programs and a must-attend event for anyone considering board certification.