>  News   >  Appeals   >  Brannock Berman & Seider Upholds Injunction

Brannock Berman & Seider Upholds Injunction

The Second District Court of Appeal sided with Brannock Berman & Seider’s arguments to uphold a temporary injunction entered in a commercial real-estate dispute.

The firm’s client owns a significant real-estate portfolio. The client sued a former property manager who, despite being terminated, continued to hold himself out to tenants and others as either the manager or owner of the client’s property. According to the complaint, the former property manager was trying to seize rental income from tenants on the properties, including by threatening them with eviction for not paying him. The former manager sent fake default notices and initiated eviction actions he had no authority to file on the client’s behalf.

To prevent the former manager from continuing to damage the client’s relationship with its tenants and to prevent further interference with its property rights, the client moved for a temporary injunction. After the trial court granted the motion, the former manager appealed, filing a lengthy brief that made many arguments. Brannock Berman & Seider meticulously responded to each argument, explaining why the injunction satisfied all required elements and the trial court committed no error. After dispensing with oral argument at Brannock Berman & Seider’s request, the Second District affirmed without comment.

This was an important victory because it ensures that the former manager cannot continue interfering in the client’s business—and causing confusion and ongoing legal liability for the client—while the litigation continues.