Steve Brannock Once Again Presents at Appellate Board Certification Boot Camp
The review course to assist lawyers preparing to take the board certification examination in appellate practice, spearheaded by the Florida Bar’s Appellate Practice Section, once again featured Brannock Berman & Seider shareholder Steve Brannock’s annual presentation on civil appellate practice.
Styled as a “boot camp,” this year’s event was a half-day update to last year’s more robust certification review program, at which Steve also presented. The webinar highlighted significant new appellate rules and decisions, along with principles often misunderstood or missed by even seasoned appellate practitioners. Steve’s topic on civil appeals is the most tested subject area on the certification exam. As usual, Steve alerted test-takers about both percolating and long-established issues in the appellate world that are likely to show up on the exam.
The board certification review course is one of the Appellate Practice Section’s signature continuing legal education programs and a must-attend event for anyone considering board certification in appellate practice.