Celene Humphries and Steve Brannock Speak at Board Certification Review Course
The annual program to assist lawyers preparing to take the appellate board certification exam once again featured Brannock Humphries & Berman partners Celene Humphries and Steve Brannock.
This year’s event, styled as a “boot camp,” was a half-day update to last year’s more robust certification review, which also featured Celene and Steve. The webcast highlighted recent developments in appellate law, including new rule changes, as well as longstanding principles often misunderstood or missed by appellate practitioners. As in years past, Celene served as the program chair and also spoke about extraordinary writs. Steve presented on civil appellate practice—the most tested topic on the certification exam.
The board certification review course is one of the Appellate Practice Section’s signature continuing legal education programs and a must-attend event for anyone considering board certification in appellate practice.